Hi, I'm Anna!

Find out my motivation motivates me

...I clearly remember eating chips on the couch at 120 kilos, depressed. I don't understand what's happening to me, I don't understand why years of experience as a personal trainer and 3 years of dietetics have let me down? My 10 years of diet addiction turned into obesity, emotional eating and brutal binge eating. That's when I started to realise that there are cases where calorie counting is no longer enough. To get out of this horrible state I needed 4 different trainers, a psychologist and several coaches. I was desperately running from one place to another and it took me 3 years to put together a road to recovery. I have finally arrived, and I am now fully committed to helping women who are in the same shoes as me. I know that life has placed such obstacles in front of me so that I can overcome them and help others. I have dedicated my life to supporting women like me on their journey. I am learning a lot to this day and I have created programmes that I would have needed back then. I believe that the biological and emotional aspects are inseparable, so I have created complex programs that address the deeper issues that women are struggling with. I am glad you are here! 

Rólam Anna
Rólam Anna

I am often asked what I have invented that makes me different from other professionals. Well, nothing. I'm not an inventor first and foremost, I'm an empirical expert. I take books and studies written by the world's most respected and relevant experts on the subject, learn from them and organise them into useful, practical packages. I do all this through the lens of experience. To this day, I continue to learn and improve my service because I see it as my calling to make solutions available to women like me. 

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What I love most about my job

1. I love people

I've done a lot of things in my life that I found boring, but I've always been interested in people and different personalities. I love people, that's no secret!

2. I am grateful for the results

I am motivated every day by seeing the joy and satisfaction on the faces of my clients. It is fantastic to see someone's life completely changed and I am grateful to be part of it.

3. Free to feel

I would definitely not be able to work as a ticket controller. I have to admit I'm very emphatic, sometimes even tearing up at a client's story. But I also need empathy in my work, which I really like.

What is my goal?

To find sustainable solutions

One of my main goals is to give you a toolkit that will help you throughout your life. We look for sustainable, fully personalised solutions, developing skills. I want to deliver knowledge that supports your goals.

The point is to do it

Nowadays, all the important information is online, so it's not a big deal to know something. Just because you are aware of certain information doesn't mean that your life will change any. I am good at helping you to incorporate knowledge into your life through different exercises, which is the key to long-term results.

Miben is tudok segiteni?

Ebben a videóban megtudod nézni részletesebben, hogy milyen esetekben tudok a rendelkezésedre állni és melyek azok amikben nem. Ha tetszik a munkám, további tartalmakért kövess be a Youtube csatornámon!

Contact me!

Before we start working together, we always have a mapping conversation to get to know each other better and to make it clear to you whether you are really looking for me. Feel free to apply, we will discuss everything in person within the framework of a meeting!

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