Lose weight and get your confidence back in just 6 steps!

Close your eyes and imagine what you would look like with your dream shape. What clothes would you wear? How would you feel? The good news is, with my 6-step program, you can easily achieve your goal. Sign up and you're one step closer to your dream shape! 


Achieve your dream shape!

Ez a program ideális számodra, ha...

Want to lose weight

This program specifically supports weight loss. If you want to lose a few kilos, you've come to the right place. Whether it's minus 5 or even 25 kilos, the 6-step program will be the key. I'll tailor it all to your needs: tell me how much you want to lose and I'll tell you what you need to do to lose it.

Don't want to gain weight back

I, as an ex-diet addict, am strongly against crush diets, as I have experienced their harmful effects on my own skin. That's why my priority is that you can maintain the results you have achieved. I have a wide range of tools at my disposal to teach you how to do this.

Don't want to throw any more money away

When I think about all the money I've "thrown away" to lose weight, it really upsets me. The aim of the program is to make sure you never have to spend money on similar programs again. You'll get all the knowledge you need to get to your goal. You'll never again fall for money-grubbing ads, so you'll have a lot more money in your pocket.

If you know, that all bodys are different

How can a fashion diet be good for everyone in the long run? After all, every person is different, every body is different, everyone is unique. My programme is 100% personalised to your needs and possibilities. It's no wonder that 91% of my clients were extremely satisfied, because they lost the pounds and enjoyed the process!

Have tried so many things and you haven't succeeded

I deeply empathise with you, I was in the same shoes. As a diet addict, I was always looking for the best solution, when I gave up a particular diet, I cut back. I was always "enriched" with a few extra pounds and another disappointment. The most important pillar of my program is to make sure that doesn't happen to you and that you finally achieve your dream shape!

Like guarantees

I am so confident of success that I can guarantee it. Years of experience and a scientific approach guarantee success. With this program there is no option that you won't lose weight. All this is achieved without starvation, diet or extreme exercise. Needless to say, it will only work if you are a partner.

This is your time to achive your dream body! Apply now!

But Anna,

I don't know what to do if...

...I've tried many times to lose weight, but I've failed.

I know very well how you feel. 60% of my clients were in the same situation, but now they are living without extra pounds, happy and confident. This program is not only focused on food, but also has a very strong motivational and self-awareness component. This will ensure long-term success and the mental strength to achieve your dream figure. It's no accident I can vouch for you, I know this program is just what you need.

...I already know all about weight loss.

It's true that all the information about weight loss is now available on the internet. But that doesn't mean you can turn that information into a skill. With more than 7 years of experience behind me, I can quickly figure out where to focus and follow a logical plan of action that reflects back to you. We develop skills and build habits that will lead you to your dream shape.

...I don't have the willpower.

It is not at all certain that the problem is your willpower. If you've tried so many things and still haven't given up, you are strong! The topic of willpower is a major part of the programme, that should not be an excuse! We will also cover motivation, strengthening your endurance and control functions.

...I no longer trust myself to be slim.

The programme also focuses on building self-confidence, helping you to believe in yourself and your abilities again. Your beliefs deeply define your reality, so please give yourself another chance. Click apply and I will prove that YOU CAN be slim!

If at least 1 statement is true for you, then apply!

Frequently Asked Questions

Additional services

Lifestyle change

A lifestyle change program is an ideal choice if you have tried to live healthily several times but have fallen back into old bad habits. As a nutrition coach, I have the surest formula to help you achieve lasting healthy goals. With my completely personalized program, you'll build lifestyle habits that support your daily life, and by the end, you'll know your own body perfectly, so you'll never need help with healthy eating again.

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Contact me!

Before we start working together, we always have a mapping conversation to get to know each other better and to make it clear to you whether you are really looking for me. Feel free to apply, we will discuss everything in person within the framework of a meeting!

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